I Graduated!

Thursday 24th November 2016 marks the day I officially completed 17 years of education and unwillingly became an adult. University was definitely an experience that I'll never forget; with highs and lows. I found each of my three years difficult in different ways from family issues to more personal battles. Overall my experience of university is very [...]

Taking Risks

I'm not a big risk taker. I have my comfort zone, I know where the boundaries are, I know how far I can push myself before I begin to feel uncomfortable. All of that's fine, however the things I want out of life lie somewhere beyond my comfort zone, so far away that I can't [...]

A Fresh Start

With this new blog I feel the need to relaunch my social media accounts by making them more 'appropriate' and relevant to the person I want to become through this blog. Currently the links on the side of my blog are pre-existing social media accounts that I've had for years. It's not that I don't want people [...]

A New Adventure

Hello and welcome to my blog! As you can probably guess my name is Emma Jayne. I am a 21 year old university graduate (although not technically because my graduation is in 2 weeks) who has no idea what I'm doing with my life. I figured documenting my life (or at least this stage of [...]